Executive Management
"Our enterprise has grown to a size that requires a new management structure. We are thus moving away from a conservative management model towards a corporate model." - Christian O. Erbe

"Our enterprise has grown to a size that requires a new management structure. We are thus moving away from a conservative management model towards a corporate model. For the first time in the history of our company, it will not be based on family members, but rather we will fill these management positions with executives with a proven track record. Most of whom have gathered long years of experience in our own company." - Christian O. Erbe

"By implementing this new organizational structure, we want to give the enterprise a stronger international orientation and utilize our potential to generate even greater growth."
- Daniel Zimmermann

"Through this restructuring measure we want to ensure that our customers continue to be supplied with innovative, high-quality products on schedule. To this aim, we as managing executives will collaborate closely and develop the processes necessary for achieving this." - Dr. Helmut Scherer

"I see my role here as a networker. Restructuring will help us network various areas at Erbe in better ways. This will accelerate decision-making processes in the operative business of the Erbe Group. We have our customers and partners all over the world and align ourselves accordingly." - Marcus Felstead

"Our market is the entire world. As an enterprise we must prove the added value of our products. We provide clinical evidence on an international scale. We have already set the course for this and are in the process of building on these foundations." - Prof. Dr. med. Markus D. Enderle